VBScript program to document all properties of any Active Directory object. The ADsPath of the object is passed to the program as a parameter. The AdsPath is the binding string used to bind to the object. Either the WinNT or the LDAP provider can be specified. All attributes exposed by the provider used are listed.

The program is designed to be run at a command prompt using the cscript host. The output can be redirected to a text file. For example:

cscript //nologo ListObjectProperties.vbs "WinNT://MyDomain/TestUser" > TestUser.txt

cscript //nologo ListObjectProperties.vbs "LDAP://cn=TestUser,ou=Sales,dc=MyDomain,dc=com" > TestUser.txt

If the LDAP AdsPath has a character that must be escaped, such as a comma, be sure to escape the character with the backslash escape character, "\". The characters that must be escaped are:

, \ / # + < > ; " =

All properties in the schema are documented, whether they have a value or not. The Schema property method is used to enumerate the attributes. The program only documents the names of the properties, not the values.

This program should work on any 32 or 64-bit Windows client that can log onto the domain. Windows NT and Windows 98/95 clients should have DSClient installed. If DSClient is not installed, they need WSH and ADSI installed.

ListObjectProperties.txt <<-- Click here to view or download the program